Portfolio Image

JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan"

Our team successfully integrated and developed on the internal corporate portal of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, providing the following functionality:

  • Integration with Active Directory to keep users up to date and provide unified accounts.
  • Implementation of end-to-end authorization, which provides convenience and security when working with various systems and services.
  • Development of a new interface that improves user experience and work efficiency.
  • Creation of training and testing services for new employees, facilitating their integration and development.
  • Assessment of structural divisions and personnel reserve, contributing to effective management and development of human resources.
  • Refinement of the standard functionality of the portal according to customer requirements and technical specifications.


Bitrix24 Bitrix24
JavaScript JavaScript

Project Team Members

Олеся Маринкина

Project Manager

Каримжон Ильхамжанов

Frontent Developer

Айдана Каирова

Frontend Developer

Рустем Каймолла

Backend Developer

Дмитрий Пиюнихин


Вадим Кравец


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