Kazakhstan Engineering

Creation of a corporate portal

An external corporate portal has been developed for JSC NC Kazakhstan Engineering.
Previously, seventeen subsidiaries maintained a variety of Internet sites with different information structure and design. The websites of some subsidiaries were outdated or in a very dilapidated state.

As part of the development of a new corporate portal, the following proposals have been implemented:

  • Subsites have been developed in a single information structure and design. The 1C Bitrix content management system allows you to quickly add or edit subsites in a mode simplified for the site administrator;
  • A single catalog of products for all enterprises has been developed, which the visitor can download using various filters in the form of a presentation;
  • A single block of news for all subsidiaries on the main site;
  • Created a progressive mobile application;
  • Pre-moderation of posted content on subsites of subsidiaries;
  • Developed blogs for all business leaders;
  • The corporate portal complies with the requirements and regulations for Internet resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Electronic acceptance of applications for products.

Thanks to unification, the overall budget for maintaining Internet sites was significantly reduced. The customer received a single database-catalog of all products manufactured by subsidiaries, with uploading to the presentation, as well as the opportunity to conduct advertising campaigns on the Internet to popularize the products.


CMS Bitrix CMS Bitrix
Vue.js Vue.js
JavaScript JavaScript
Sass/Scss Sass/Scss
Webpack Webpack

Project Team Members

Олеся Маринкина

Project Manager

Вадим Кравец


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